Sunday 13 May 2007

Brotherly Love

It's a brave man that accuses Bill Blunt of nepotism. I've always fought shy of promoting my talented brother - not for me the ways of the metropolitan media types, who make their careers on the back of their siblings' or parents' name.

Sometimes, however, real talent deserves to be showcased and, as Jasper has helpfully pointed out, 'Pa, a lot of people search for recipes on the internet. It wouldn't do you any harm to include one or two in your blog.'

Step forward, then The Batchelor's Cookbook. In particular, Colin Blunt's recipe for Beefburgers:

When the weather begins to turn warm, nothing's better than sitting in the garden with a beer and a burger.


½ kg rump steak, trimmed and chopped

¼ onion, peeled and chopped

1 tsp olive oil

1 tsp plain flour

salt and freshly ground black pepper

fresh white burger rolls


1. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7.

2. Place the chopped steak into a food processor and blend to make mince.

3. Add the onion, oil, flour and seasoning to the food processor and continue to blend until the mixture binds together.

4. Remove the mixture from the processor and shape into a burger using your hands.

5. Heat a little oil in a non-stick frying pan and fry the burger for 2-3 minutes on each side.

6. Transfer the pan to the oven and continue to cook for approximately 8-10 minutes.

7. While the burgers are cooking, watch the latest Grand Prix live on the TV.

8. After 40 minutes or so, scream at the top of your voice and run into the kitchen.

9. Wave a tea towel about to clear the smoke.

10. Throw the charred and blackened burgers into the bin.

11. Order a kebab


Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if we're related.

Anonymous said...

It's quite possible we emerged from the same gene puddle, dp...